Bei der Erschließung neuer Märkte stoßen Unternehmer:innen oftmals auf finanzielle, regulatorische und organisatorische Hürden. Die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien hat das Förderprogramm „Internationaler Markeintritt“ konzipiert und hier erfährst du, wie dich dieses Programm bei deinem Vorhaben unterstützen kann: Zahlen | Daten | Fakten Warum Internationalisierung? Angesichts der begrenzten Möglichkeiten im heimischen Markt ist die Ausrichtung auf den Export für viele Wiener Unternehmen …
FFG small projects
Innovative and sustainable: the small project for SMEs and start-ups Innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. The FFG Basic Program Small Project offers tailor-made funding opportunities for small research and development projects of start-ups. Figures | Data | Facts: Project type: Small projectFunding: NationalSubmission: possible on an ongoing basisTarget group: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups can apply for …
The difference between FFG and AWS
There are two main organizations in Austria at the national level that support startups with various financial instruments, one of which is the FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agencyandthe second is aws – austria wirtschaftsservice. Vijay Verma on the differences between the two major Austrian funding agencies – FFG and aws. Research and development or deep tech The difference between the two …
FFG Impact Innovation – ideal for your start-up?
The promotion “Impact Innovation” from the FFG is not only for profit-oriented companies and start-ups, but also for non-profit organizations, such as associations. “Impact Innovation” – new solutions A special feature of this funding program is that it is open to any topic. The main focus of this funding is on innovative methods for solving problems for which no solutions yet exist. It …